
Hello, and welcome to lifeistoohard.com! This is a website built for anyone who thinks life is too hard and could use some “advice,” learn some interesting “facts,” or just be mildly entertained.



  1. Some of the stuff written here may come off as advice or suggestions, but just in case you are my high school history teacher (i.e. you don’t have a sense of humor, you hate your job, and you take out life’s frustrations on unsuspecting people who are under half your age): Try not to take everything in here seriously, because nothing here is actual advice. None of it. If any of it sounds like actual advice, that’s probably a coincidence, and if you follow it and the results are good, then that’s great! But on the other hand, if you take this advice seriously and something goes wrong, I cannot be held accountable for you taking advice from a website that is essentially just one big joke.

2. The “facts” are also not facts. Any “research” I do is super half-assed, meaning I pull a lot of facts out of my butt and put them online for shits and giggles. If I say “don’t eat this fruit” in an article, for example, odds are it is okay for you to eat the fruit. Or not. Go ask someone who is actually licensed and qualified, not some rando on the Internet.

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